Fr. Ray Kemp
Our featured speaker on this year’s EO Catholic Celebration Cruise to Cuba is Father Ray Kemp. A DC native and a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, Fr. Ray is a witty and compelling teacher and preacher who will preside at daily Mass and give three Retreat at Sea presentations on out “at-sea” days.
Fr. Ray recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. A passionate advocate of social justice, he serves as a Special Assistant to the President of the Georgetown University where he engages with students on issues of biblical and social justice. When not molding young minds, Father Ray assists in DC parishes and leads retreats for parish and faith groups on biblical justice.
As a Senior Fellow for Woodstock Theological Center directing programs on Faith in the City and Preaching the Just Word. Fr. Ray currently serves on the DC Mayor’s Interfaith Council, the DC Special Olympics Board of Directors, as well as the boards of College Campus Kitchens and the Grassroots Project. He is also a DC Community Fellow in Georgetown’s Center for Social Justice.
We do not currently have any tours for Fr. Ray Kemp.